5 EVENTS : Week of Aug 12 – Midstream Calendar Event Reminders

August 12, 2024

Williams Energy Annual Pittsburgh United Way Golf Tournament on August 12, 2024 – WV

Produced Water Society Permian Basin 2024 Conference August 12 – August 14 – Midland

Southern Stress

OKIE 811 and OKC Pipeliners “811 Day” Event and Beer Release

GPA Midstream Permian Basin Monthly Member Meeting August 13, 2024

Energy Innovations Rockies and West by LDC Gas Forums August 14-16, 2024 – San Diego

Nondestructive & Visual Inspection

Intero Integrity Inline Inspection for unpiggable pipelines

Your pipeline solutions for environmental remediation

Recent News

Venture Global Expands European Regasification Capacity “Proud to support these efforts as strategic partner with volumes from both Plaquemines LNG and Future CP2 LNG” said Venture Global CEO Mike Sabel

This News Article is Brought to you by: Houston, Texas-Today, Venture Global announced the execution of a binding long- term terminal use agreement (TUA) with GASTRADE S.A. enabling the regasification and sale of liquefied natural gas (LNG) from Venture Global’s...

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