Southern Natural Gas a Kinder Morgan Company 2022 Employee / Vendor Golf Tournament – Oct 20th – Birmingham (invite only)
Southern Natural Gas Company, LLC.
A Kinder Morgan Company
2022 Employee / Vendor Golf Tournament
On behalf of this year’s SNG golf committee we are happy to be bring the annual golf tournament which will take place on Thursday, October 20, 2022 (9AM CST Start Time) at the Bent Brook Golf Club, located in Birmingham, AL.
As a vendor, you play a significant role in making this a successful tournament. In past years, this tournament has benefited greatly from your generosity with gifts, food, drinks and your time. We would like to continue the tradition of golf and fun – making memories on a simpler level this year. Therefore, rather than soliciting sponsorships for this year’s tournament, we are inviting you to come out to play golf, cook, set up tents along the course to interact with the players, and/or bring a door prize to be drawn for at the conclusion of the tournament.
**** Annual Tournament Cook-Off ****
- Once again, we will be offering an opportunity for the ultimate bragging rights – a food cook-off! A token of recognition will be presented to the cook-off extraordinaire that is chosen by those in attendance for having the best-tasting food. This competition will again be open to both vendors and employees.
**** Tent Set Up****
- You may set up a tent along the course to provide snacks, drinks, or other promotional items.
**** Prizes ****
- If your company wishes to provide a door prize, please bring it with you the day of the tournament. If you prefer to mail a door prize prior to the event, please coordinate with Leslie Gray.
- The shipping address is:
Southern Natural Gas Company
Attention: Leslie Gray
569 Brookwood Village, Suite 700
Birmingham, Alabama 35209
*Please note, we will not be doing hole sponsorships or welcome bags.
Each Company will be limited to a maximum of 3 player entries. We are limited to 144 golfers, so player sign-up is first-come, first-serve. Once 144 golfers have been registered, you will be placed on a waitlist. Therefore, if you wish to support and/or register for this year’s tournament, your completed entry forms (with payment) must be RECEIVED NO LATER THAN FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9TH, 2022. Entry Forms will not be accepted without payment.
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