Marcellus Utica Gas Holiday Happy Hour
Annual Marcellus Utica Gas Holiday Happy Hour and Toy Drive
Our Annual Holiday Happy Hour is a great way to wrap up the year. This is our third time hosting the event and each year the crowd gets bigger and our outreach into the community extends further. MUG relies on our Yearly and Event Sponsors to enable us to donate the maximum amount into the communities we all work and live in. This year, we plan to donate proceeds from this event to the Range Resources Toys for Tots drive – the toys that are donated stay local in the community of Washington County.
The deadline to become a Sponsor is November 30, 2020! To become a Sponsor for the event Link in Event Page
Attendees will pay $20 at the door and will enjoy an open bar and appetizers. The kitchen will be open and dinner can be ordered, but is not included in the entry cost.
We will have a Raffle, Door Prizes, and 50/50 to raise money for Toys For Tots. If you or your company would like to donate door prizes, please email

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