Register for the 2025 Feb 04 , 07 API/AGA Joint Committee on Pipeline Welding Practices – San Antonio, TX
Register Now
There are no fees for this meeting, but registration is required.
This is an invaluable opportunity to be a part of how the U.S. petroleum industry develops and maintains state-of-the-art standards for the fabrication of pipe and tubular goods. As well as technical sessions for two API groups that lead the industry in developing and maintaining state-of-the-art standards for oil well cements and drilling and completion fluids, tubular goods and quality programs.
The informative program will include:
Modification Interpretation and Policy
Mechanized Welding
Weld Procedures and Welder Qualifications
Maintenance Welding
Fracture Mechanics
Reason for Attending:
You will have access to technical committee meetings covering API standards and best practices used throughout the industry to promote safe and environmentally sound operations.
You will learn about the latest research and development on refining process equipment, including future R&D efforts that may benefit your business in the long run.
You will have many opportunities to make contacts with your colleagues and establish new business connections.
Who Should Attend
Members of API/AGA Joint Committee on Oil and Gas Pipeline Field Welding Practices and Subcommittees
The meeting should also be of interest to:
Oil and Gas Welding Supervisors
NDT Experts
Pipeline Welding Experts
Pipe Manufacturers
Pipeline Contractors
Personnel of Service and Supply Companies

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