Register now for School of Energy by RBN Energy June 26-27, 2024 – Houston
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Catch A Wave – Shifting Tides In Energy Markets Generate Opportunities
The seas of U.S. energy markets are shifting once again and that means big changes are coming to oil, gas, NGL and refined products markets. Swelling on the horizon are new waves of infrastructure — pipelines to move the commodities to coastal markets and terminals to load ships for global exports. We’ve experienced waves like this before as the Shale Revolution unleashed a tsunami of volume into the U.S. market and midstreamers helped make it happen. If you’re new to the market or missed the last cycle, don’t worry, this summer, RBN Energy will help you catch the next wave at our annual School of Energy.
Over the two-day in-person conference, we’ll tell you the latest about what’s happening in energy markets and, just as important, we’ll explain why markets behave the way they do. And not in some esoteric way either. We will literally equip you with the tools (a plethora of Microsoft Excel models) you need to stay abreast of trends. We’ve also carved out time for Q&A sessions and discussions with RBN faculty as well as a couple of big kahunas in midstream markets. And you’ll have the opportunity to network with us and other energy professionals at our evening networking event. Beyond that, for material we can’t squeeze into the two-day format, participants will have access to a cache of online videos to supplement the live conference.
It’s a lot of content and it will provide a lot of value. You’ll gain the knowledge and connections to not only survive the next wave of energy development but also to identify and capitalize on opportunities.
Here are a few testimonials from previous graduates of our School of Energy.
“A good comprehensive overview of all aspects of the business + further understanding on how current events impact the different sectors.”
“The content was relevant and on point. The instructors were knowledgeable, articulate, and all of them were charismatic and engaging.”
“Relevant and timely information. The format also provided a good opportunity for networking with peers.”
“Good information, clearly presented by experts in their fields.”

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