Register Now for the South Texas BBQ Bash April 27, 2024 – Kenedy, TX
This Event Reminder is Sponsored by:
Karnes County Youth Show
1480 County Rd 345, Karnes City, TX 78118
South Texas BBQ Bash Video RecapSANCTIONED COOK-OFF
Any cook-off event that has met the sanctioning requirements of the Champions Barbeque Alliance
will be deemed a sanctioned CBA event.
For the sake of contest fairness, CBA prohibits promoters from cooking in their own contest. This will
allow the promoters to address all needs of the event and the cooks while the CBA Event
Representative is able to oversee the judging area without interruption from outside the judging area
with the exception of issues that are a result of violation of CBA rules as requested by the promoter.
All CBA Event Representatives must be current members of CBA. CBA Event Representatives will be
responsible for the coordination and implementation of all CBA judging rules, policies, and procedures
in the judging area. CBA Certified Assistants may assist CBA Event Representatives (when needed).
Volunteers will be utilized if needed.
The head cook of the team registered for the event must be at least 18 years old and must be present at
the event. If an emergency arises that requires the head cook to leave the event, the CBA Event
Representative must be notified immediately. The remaining team members may complete the
competition and the head cooks registered team will receive the points. If the head cook is not in
attendance at the event, the team members may not cook under the head cook’s Team name. Points
will be awarded to the member in attendance who is determined to be the head cook if a member of
CBA recognizes only one (1) entry per head cook on a given pit. It will be the responsibility of the CBA
Event Representative to monitor entries. Multiple entries in the same category by the same cook or
from the same piece of meat shall not be allowed. If the head cook is found to be in violation, they will
be subject to immediate disqualification from the event. A head cook may not enter more than one
team per contest or multiple contests at different locations on the same date using the same team
Any commercial or homemade, trailered, or un-trailered, pit or smoker normally used for
competitive barbeque. A BBQ Pit may include gas or electricity for starting the combustion of wood
or wood products but NOT to complete cooking. Pellet smokers are permitted.
Electrical accessories such as spits, augers or force drafts are permitted.
The use of heat lamps, proofing cabinets or any other electrical heating or holding device is
The process of Sous Vide, boiling, or frying of competition meat is not allowed.
CBA further recognizes that open fire, ground pits, are used in some areas. It is in the interest of
safety; a barrier shall be placed around said open fire pit. A fire extinguisher shall be readily
Each team will consist of a head cook and as many assistant cooks as the chief cook deems
necessary. Each team will provide a pit and/or pits to be used exclusively by that team within the
team’s assigned cooking site. The preparation and completion (excluding pre- trimming) of any and
all meats in competition is within the confines of the cook-off site and during the time limits
designated by the promoter. Once a team and their CBA meats have arrived at a CBA event, the
meats are not allowed to be removed from the competition grounds. Pre-trimming of competition
meat is allowed and may be removed from the store packaging to do so unless there is a health
department rule requiring that all meat must be in store packaging when meat is inspected. If this is
an issue, it must be made clear on the cook-off flyer so that all cooks attending an event know about
this ahead of time. Random meat inspections can be conducted by a CBA Event Representative, CBA
Director of Event Representative, and/or any active Board of Director. If any irregularity is found, the
cooking team can be disqualified, and no refunds will be available.
All teams are expected to maintain their cook sites in an orderly and clean manner and to use good
sanitary practices during the preparation, cooking, and judging process. The use of sanitary gloves is
required at all times while handling food. Failure to use sanitary gloves may result in disqualification.
Teams are responsible for cleaning their site once the competition has ended. All federal, state and
local food safety rules and regulations must be adhered to at all times. There will be no refunds or
reimbursements for any team found in violation. All fires must be safely extinguished, and all
equipment must be removed from the site. If any team’s assigned site is left dirty/disarray with
leftover trash and/or fires, it may put the team on a list that will prohibit the teams from competing in
future events.
CBA Scoring System
CBA requires that a QR code will be affixed to the top of a tray. CBA will provide each head cook with a
QR code that is assigned to his/her team and will need to be provided at every turn in. This code will be
scanned by a CBA event representative at turn in time. Each team is responsible for taking care of their
trays. Damaged trays may be returned to the event representative for replacement only if the original
QR code is attached.
Entries will be judged by six (6) judges (judges must be at least 16 years old). All entries will be judged
on PRESENTATION, TASTE, and TEXTURE. The scoring system values will range from Excellent being the
best score to Poor being the worst score.
The weighting factorsfor the point system are as follows:
1. PRESENTATION: 18% (.72)
2. TASTE: 46.5% (1.86)
3. TEXTURE: 35.5% (1.42)
Single Round Judging – CBA Event Representative will allocate a recommended amount of 10 entries to
a table with six (6) judges. The lowest score out of the 6 judges will be dropped. The remaining 5 scores
will be used to determine category placement. Once all CBA categories are scored we will add those
scores together to determine overall placement.
CBA recommends the use of a Styrofoam tray with hinged lid and without dividers or the best readily
available judging container, which is approximately 9 inches square on the bottom half. A single sheet
of aluminum foil should be supplied for each tray (i.e., Reynolds 710 foil sheets 9”x10”). All judging
containers shall be clean and free of any markings. Marked containers may be disqualified at the CBA
Event Representative’s discretion. Cooks are responsible for ensuring that the containers they receive
remain clean and undamaged. Only the containers and foil provided by the CBA Event Representative
will be utilized for product turn in. All judging trays are non-transferrable and property of CBA until all
judging is completed.
CBA requires that the Promoter and/or CBA Event Representative advise all cooks of the quantities and
cuts of meat that will be placed in the judging trays. This will normally be accomplished at the Head
Cook’s meeting. The CBA Event Representative or designated representative will not inspect trays. It is
the sole responsibility of the head cook to verify that they meet all rules and regulations that CBA has
in place. All garnishes and condiments are prohibited. Sauces and/or other liquids may not be added
to the tray prior to placing the product in. Meats may be cooked with sauces and/or other liquids, but
once the cooking is complete, sauces and/or liquids may not be added once the protein has been
placed in the tray. Each tray will include one sheet of foil placed unfolded under the contents of the
tray. Each turn in tray will consist of the following at all events:
Chicken: enough for 6 judges required, no pulled or shredded allowed. No garnish allowed.
Foil provided by CBA must be placed unfoldedat the bottom of the tray.
Pork Ribs: enough for 6 judges is required. Pork Spare ribs, St. Louis cut, or baby back ribs
are allowed. Must be bone in, individually cut. No garnish allowed. Foil provided by CBA
must be placed unfolded at the bottom of the tray.
Pork: enough for 6 judges is required, Pork butt only. Any cut or combination of cuts from
the pork butt is allowed. No garnish allowed. Foil provided by CBA must be placed unfolded at
the bottom of the tray.
Brisket: enough for 6 judges is required. Slices and or burnt ends allowed. No garnish
allowed. Foil provided by CBA must be placed unfolded at the bottom of the tray.
Garnish is defined as anything other than the designated category protein.
Standard turn in times for CBA recognized categories are: 4-meat contests= 12 pm chicken, 1 pm pork
ribs, 2 pm pork and 3 pm brisket. For a 3-meat contest= 12 pm chicken, 1 pm pork ribs, and 2 pm
brisket. For events 101 – 200+ teams, the interval will be adjusted to 1.5-hour.
intervals beginning at 12:00am.
A ten-minute window before the category turn in time will be recognized.
Example: 11:50 – 12:00pm for chicken, 12:50pm – 1:00pm for ribs, 1:50pm – 2:00pm for pork, 2:50pm –
3:00pm for brisket.
Trays that are late will not be judged
Jackpot categories will not be submitted during the CBA recognized categories schedule and must occur
either before or after the CBA recognized categories. Open/Jackpot categories will be limited to only 2
categories on the day of the main event and as many as the promoter wants on the day before. Once
this time is set and/or announced at the Head Cooks’ meeting no change will be made.
The Event Promoter will provide the tray pick-up form (alterations not permitted) marked with the
appropriate paid categories. Only this tray pick-up receipt will be accepted by the CBA Event
Representative or designated representative for participants to receive trays and/or other containers.
It is the sole responsibility of the head cook and/or assistants to procure the said tray pick up form. All
judging trays must be picked at the Head Cook’s meeting or a reasonable time so as to not disturb the
judging process once it gets underway. CBA Event Representatives may not accept payment for any
Must be 16 years of age or older to judge. In CBA (6) judges per table will be utilized during judging. It is
the Promoters responsibility to have enough judges for the CBA Event Representative to efficiently run
the contest’s judging area. Head cooks are prohibited to participate as tasting judges at any CBA event
they are participating in. No smoking in the judging area. Alcohol will not be permitted during the taste
judging of any category, with the exception of mixed drink jackpot categories. Tasting judges who are
deemed unable to fully comply with the requirements of judging will be asked to leave the judging
After the tray has been turned in, any tray found to be in violation of CBA rules will be disqualified at
the discretion of the CBA Event Representative. It is the sole responsibility of the head cook to
become familiar with the CBA Rules and Regulations so as to avoid disqualification. Foreign items
(toothpicks, pins, string, garnish, etc.) found in entry will result in disqualification. Entries not cooked
to USDAsafe minimum internal temperatures could also cause disqualification. The CBA Event
Representative will have the ultimate decision in disqualifying said tray.
Winners for each category will be announced starting with the CBA recognized categories in order of
chicken, pork spare ribs, pork butt and brisket. After the CBA categories are called, the jackpot
categories as well as any other special awards offered by the promoter (i.e., people’s choice, best pit
etc.) will be announced. At the end of the individual awards, the top ten (10) overall along with the
Reserve Grand Champion and Grand Champion of the event will be announced. CBA will then post all
cumulative points and each team’s respective finish. The announcement of the winners will be by team
name. Only the Promoter, CBA Event Representative, or designated CBA representative will announce
names and no other person will be allowed to take the microphone during awards.
CBA states that the top ten overall cooks be named at every cook-off and a Grand Champion and
Reserve Grand champion be recognized at every event. In the case of jackpot categories, it will be up to
the promoter to decide places.
Failure to comply with CBA rules can result in a disqualification of the offending team or teams. The
penalty will be administered by the CBA Event Representative /Event Promoter. If administered, the
Revised 11/2022
CBA Event Representative will notify the CBA President and Vice President. As required the President
will also notify the Area Ambassadors.
1. Foul, abusive, and/or unacceptable language by a head cook, assistants, and their guests can
result in immediate disqualification. The Promoter is not under obligation for refund
2. Failure to comply with event or city rules can result in immediate disqualification. The Promoter is
not under obligation for refund
Failure to comply with any state, city, county, or CBA covid guidelines can result in immediate
disqualification. The Promoter is not under obligation for refund.

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