2023 ISA Houston Section Golf Tournament April 14 – Houston
This Event Reminder is Sponsored by:
This ISA Annual Scholarship Golf Tournament is happening Friday, April 14, 2023, @ The Clubs of Kingwood
8:30 AM shotgun start!
SPACE IS LIMITED this year as we can only take 144 golfers, 18 exhibitors on course!
See below for Player and Sponsorship options
For further information or if you have any questions please contact Amanda Hardy 281-928-0462 or amanda@functionzinc.com , jay.reeder@endress.com or Rusty Darsey 832-392-0762 or RustyD@SafeEngr.com
For further information on Corporate Sponsorship bundle discounts and benefits, visit the Sponsorship page.
2023 ISA Houston Section Golf Tournament Player Pricing:
If you cannot attend but would like to donate instead : Contact amanda@functionzinc.com
Foursome $800.00 Includes:
Gift for all golfers
Shared Cart
Range Balls
18 Hole Green Fee
2 drink tickets per golfer
Awards networking luncheon
Individual $200 Includes:
Gift for all golfers
Shared Cart
Range Balls
18 Hole Green Fee
2 drink tickets per golfer
Awards networking luncheon
2023 ISA Houston Section Golf Tournament Sponsorship Opportunities:
Title Sponsor $4000.00
Includes Two (2) Foursomes
Title Sponsors logo will be reference in all promotional materials including: ISA HS Monthly Meetings, website, social media platforms, email blasts and day of event signage.
Nine (9) premium hole sponsorships with signage at tournament
Exhibit on Course
Logo on golf balls in golfer ditty bags 144 max
Reserved seating table at Awards Dinner
Recognition at Awards Ceremony
Golf Cart Sponsor $2000.00
Includes One (1) Foursome
Golf Cart Sponsors logo will be reference in all promotional materials including: ISA HS Monthly Meetings, website, social media platforms, email blasts and day of event signage.
Reserved seating table at Awards Dinner
Recognition at Awards Ceremony
Ball Sponsor $2000.00
Every player with a sleeve of balls in ditty bag with your logo on them
Includes 2 individual golfer registrations
Sponsors logo will be referenced in all promotional materials including: ISA HS Monthly Meetings, website, social media platforms, email blasts and day of event signage
Recognition at Awards Ceremony
Beverage Cart Sponsors $1500.00
Company Logo on Beverage Carts
Includes 1 golf team (4 golfers)
Beverage Cart Sponsors logo will be reference in all promotional materials including: ISA HS Monthly Meetings, website, social media platforms, email blasts and day of event signage.
Recognition at Awards Ceremony
Exhibit on Course $900.00
Display on Course with your company tent, products and give-a-ways
Exhibit Sponsors logo will be reference in all promotional materials including ISA HS Monthly Meetings, website, social media platforms, email blasts and day of event signage.
Lunch included with reserved seating table at awards dinner
Recognition at Awards Ceremony
Bag Sponsor$1000.00
Company Logo on all Ditty Bags
Sponsors logo will be reference in all promotional materials including: ISA HS Monthly Meetings, website, social media platforms, email blasts and day of event signage.
Recognition at Awards Ceremony
Mulligan Sponsor $400.00
Company Logo on all Mulligan cards purchased by golf teams
Sponsors logo will be reference in all promotional materials including ISA HS Monthly Meetings, website, social media platforms, email blasts and day of event signage.
Recognition at Awards Ceremony
Putting Contest Sponsor$200.00+ Donation for Contest item
Company Logo signage at Putting green contest area
Sponsors logo will be reference in all promotional materials including: ISA HS Monthly Meetings, website, social media platforms, email blasts and day of event signage.
Picture of winning player with your company logo signage
Scoreboard Sponsor$150.00
Company Logo signage at scoreboard area
Sponsors logo will be reference in all promotional materials including: ISA HS Monthly Meetings, website, social media platforms, email blasts and day of event signage.
Recognition at Awards Ceremony
Longest Drive Sponsor $150.00
Company Logo signage at longest drive hole
Sponsors logo will be reference in all promotional materials including: ISA HS Monthly Meetings, website, social media platforms, email blasts and day of event signage.
Recognition at Awards Ceremony
Picture of winning player with your company logo signage
Driving Range $150.00
Company Logo signage at driving range area
Sponsors logo will be reference in all promotional materials including: ISA HS Monthly Meetings, website, social media platforms, email blasts and day of event signage.
Recognition at Awards Ceremony
Hole Sponsor $150.00
Company Logo signage at hole
Sponsors logo will be reference in all promotional materials including: ISA HS Monthly Meetings, website, social media platforms, email blasts and day of event signage.
Recognition at Awards Ceremony
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International Society of Automation is the leading nonprofit global organization that is setting the standard for automation by helping its over 30,000 worldwide members and other professionals solve difficult technical problems while enhancing their leadership and personal career capabilities.
Automation professionals are essential to every manufacturing process. All industrial endeavors are the result of a series of complex operations or systems, and the complex systems must be regulated using various measurement and control devices. Technology is changing at a rapid pace – with more information out there than professionals have time to sort through alone. Through input from professionals throughout the world, ISA has the answer to nearly any technical question, saving the time it takes to search in multiple places for information.
By participating in the Society, automation professionals are smarter on industry issues, more valuable to their companies, and more effective at their jobs. Pure and simple, ISA is the one essential unbiased source to the world’s knowledge of automation.
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