2024 American Gas Association (AGA) Operations Fall Committee Meetings & Workshops October 7-October 11, 2024 – OKC
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Join us for a full week of events! Below is information on all of the committee meetings and workshops that are occurring. When you complete your registration, you will be asked to indicate which of the following events you plan to attend.
Executive Leadership Safety Summit
October 7 – 8, 2024
The program will feature case studies and lessons learned from events, presentations on how other industries are advancing safety, and ideas and strategies to enhance a company’s performance in all areas of safety. This event is for Senior Executives responsible for worker safety, public safety, and distribution or transmission pipeline safety. AGA encourages natural gas company executives attending this event to consider participating with their safety directors and their contractor partners.
October 7
8:00 AM – 12:00 PM: Executive Leadership Safety Summit
12:00 PM – 1:00 PM: Lunch
1:00 PM – 5:00 PM: Executive Leadership Safety Summit
October 8
8:00 AM – 12:00 PM: Executive Leadership Safety Summit
Quality Assurance Roundtable
October 7 – 8, 2024
The Roundtable Meeting will include presentations from four member companies chosen at the Leaders Selection Conference in June, as well as two highly interactive breakout sessions where attendees respond to topic specific questions and engage in discussions on the topic. Some of the specific topics covered may include auditing and inspections staffing, auditing frequency, quality versus quantity of audits, documentation and software for compiling, tracking, reporting and trending of audits, building relationships so QA is partnering not policing, effectiveness metrics, corrective actions, identifying risks, and aligning with RP1173.
October 7
8:00 AM – 12:00 PM: Quality Assurance Roundtable
12:00 PM – 1:00 PM: Lunch
1:00 PM – 4:45 PM: Quality Assurance Roundtable
October 8
8:00 AM – 12:00 PM: Quality Assurance Roundtable
AGA Operations Section Fall Committee Meetings
October 7 – 11, 2024
AGA Operations Sections Committees will meet for the Fall Committee Meetings during the week.
-B109 Committee (10/10-10/11)
-Construction Operations Committee (10/7-10/8)
-Customer Field Services & Measurement Committee(10/9-10/10)
-Distribution Integrity Management Committee (10/8-10/9)
-Engineering Committee (10/9-10/10)
-Environmental Matters Committee (10/10-10/11)
-Field Operations Committee (10/8-10/9)
-Field Services Measurement Committee (10/9-10/11)
-Gas Control Committee (10/7-10/9)
-GIS and Asset Management Committee (10/7-10/8)
-Managing Committee* (10/8-10/9)
-Operations Equipment & Services Associates Committee (10/9)
-Piping Materials Committee (10/7-10/8)
-Quality Management Committee (10/8-10/9)
-Safety & Occupational Health Committee (10/8-10/9)
-Supplemental Gas Committee (10/9-10/10)
-Transmission Integrity Committee (10/7-10/8)
-Transmission Measurement Committee (10/9-10/10)
-Underground Storage Committee** (10/7-10/8)
PSMS Workshop
October 10 – 11, 2024
This workshop is open to AGA members. Presentations will include discussions on how operators are implementing PSMS, how operators are working to review their PSMS program effectiveness, and how operators address any challenges they have experienced with implementing PSMS. AGA will also be inviting stakeholders and other industries that have implemented safety management systems within their workstreams.
October 10
8:00 AM – 12:00 PM: PSMS Workshop
12:00 PM – 1:00 PM: Lunch
1:00 PM – 5:00 PM: PSMS Workshop
October 11
7:30 AM – 11:30 AM: PSMS Workshop

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