“2024 Energy Now” ADDC Convention and Educational Conference September 24-28, 2024 – Dallas

This Event Reminder is sponsored by:

72nd Annual ADDC International Convention and Educational Conference. The Central Region, led by General Arrangements Co-Chairs Val Williams and Pat Blanford have organized and planned for months to make sure you have a fun and educational week in Dallas! 

Wednesday you will have the opportunity to choose one of two field trips. You can board a bus to Kilgore College in Kilgore, Texas and tour the East Texas Oil Museum, lunch at the Back Porch Restaurant, then we go back to Kilgore College for a tour of the Corrosion Lab by Dean Walker. Afterwards, we are on to Britt’s Wine and Dine. There will be wine tasting and buying, before making our way back to Dallas. The other option will be loading in Vans and heading to Bridgeport, Texas to an EnLink Carbon Capturing and Sequestration Site. We will be at the well-head and will be taught the how and why of Carbon Capturing and Sequestration. Then we will head to Fort Worth, Texas to the Fort Worth Stockyards for lunch and see and the learn about the history of the stockyards and see the cattle drive. There will be plenty off-time to shop and tour the historic site.

Thursday, two seminars available. Andrew Aday will speak to us about his company Digital Solutions and how they help the oilfield connect the rod lift digitally to the office. It connects the office to the oilfield. Or you can choose to listen and learn from Cecil Duke, Wichita Falls Club member and professor at Vernon will speak to us about the various fluids used in drilling and why. Also Thursday, the Certification Class will be held and will also involve a field trip!

Friday night Icebreaker will be hosted by Central Regions Lone Star Club with a live country and western band and some good Texas BBO on the menu!
Business Meetings are held on Friday and Saturday with an open forum and election of officers. We also have some proposed amendments to vote on so make sure you come informed!
Thank you for being a part of this great organization and all the help and support you have given me this year. takes a village! Here is to a week of Greater Knowledge – Greater Service.

The Association of Desk and Derrick Clubs (ADDC), an international non-profit organization, is a premier provider of energy education and professional development. ADDC’s purpose shall be to promote the education and professional development of individuals employed in or affiliated with the petroleum, energy, and allied industries, and to educate the general public about these industries as well as the companies and global communities the members serve.