Register Now for the Oil and Gas Pipeline Leak Detection Congress June 27, 28 – (June 29 is Virtual) – Houston
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June 27-28, 2023, Live In Houston & Online, June 29 Virtual Day
DAY 1: REAL-WORLD CASE STUDIES AND REGULATORY PERSPECTIVES ON LEAK DETECTION Strategic Level Perspectives On Innovating To Respond To New PHMSA Regulations On Gathering Pipeline Leak Detection & ESG/Methane Emissions Reduction Cost Comparison Of Remote Sensing Versus Continuous Monitoring Evaluate Successes From Operators Applying New Technologies & Methodologies To Improve Leak Detection Accuracy A Cost-Benefit Analysis Of Aerial Surveillance, Infrared Cameras, Thermal Imaging, Cable Based Detection Technology, New Sensing Applications & Automation
DAY 2: IMPLEMENTING NEW TECHNOLOGY AND IMPROVING DATA ANALYTICS Solutions For Detecting Methane Leaks From Diverse Pipeline Asset Types Going Beyond Baseline Detection To Ensure Sufficient Redundancy In The System Strategies For Ensuring Quicker Data Analysis With Greater Accuracy For More Timely Actioning
DAY 3: HOLISTIC CYBER SECURITY FOR LEAK DETECTION AND SCADA SYSTEMS Clarifying New Directives & Guidelines On Cyber Security Applied To Pipeline Surplus Management (SCADA) & Leak Detection Systems Prioritizing Specific Cyber Risks & Identifying Holistic Solutions – From Patch Management, Removable Media, Access Control & Staff Training
Advancing Leak Detection For North American Pipeline Operators – What’s Working Well?
The original networking hub for the pipeline leak detection community returns to Houston for a fully comprehensive 3-day live (and virtual) hybrid business conference. Featuring senior-level, pipeline decision-makers evaluating new opportunities to respond to new regulatory requirements and detection challenges through adopting innovative new technology. And, perhaps, thinking a little differently about solutions to problems.
Application Of New Technology For More Accurate Identification Of Leaks & Methane Emissions
Dominating the boardrooms of oil and gas pipeline operators in 2023 are strategic level ESG driven challenges relating to:
Improving leak detection (especially now for gathering used pipes),
Reducing methane emissions overall, and
Marrying such initiatives to continue to support the climate transition in a way that still works for the bottom line
For example, depending on the actual jurisdiction or termination of a pipeline, operators now need to figure out how to cost effectively address leak detection for gathering pipeline networks of mixed length, diameter and pressure. Innovation, by adopting both new technology and out-of-the-box thinking, is seen to be one of the most important enabling solutions to help meet higher compliance standards. To make it easier to detect, and eventually perhaps even predict, leaks, cost competitively, for all pipeline categories.
These are just some of the commercial themes driving the topic selection for the Oil & Gas Pipeline Leak Detection Congress 2023. Plus, to help operators safeguard their systems, Day 3 of the Congress will focus exclusively on addressing cyber threats.
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2023 Oil and Gas Events Houston

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