Register Now for the IPCE 2024 – The International Pipeline Conference & Expo 2024 September 23rd-27th – Calgary, Canada
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International Pipeline Conference & Expo Innovations in Energy Pipelines: Fueling the Future
The International Pipeline Conference & Expo is the premier pipeline event in the world. Together with the world-class International Pipeline Conference, hosted by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), the event attracts over 7,500 pipeline experts from around the globe.
International Pipeline Conference (IPC)
The IPC is held every second year in Calgary, Alberta, CA. It was founded in 1996 by a group of pipeline engineers and managers, to promote sharing and technical knowledge transfer within the energy pipeline industry. From its beginning, the conference has had significant support from the executive levels of pipeline operating companies and its regulators, and that support has grown over time.
The IPC has become the must attend event of the pipeline industry with participants from more than 44 countries and sellout crowds of more than 1,300 delegates. The world’s leading researchers present nearly 300 peer-reviewed papers to hundreds of pipeline industry representatives and special events are held for students, young engineers, seasoned engineers as well as management and executives.
The technical transfer, networking, and sharing of best practices during IPC over the years has exceeded the founders’ expectations. Many of the founding engineers are still involved with the conference to this day.
Keep current with products and technology with over 250 exhibitors ready to showcase technology and innovation in:
- Management and operations
- Integrity services
- Coating & Corrosion Material
- Product marketing and sales
- Transmission & Distribution
- Material and supplies
- Pigging equipment
- Drilling, Wellhead and Gathering
- Regulatory and industry
- Valves and fittings
- Inspection and testing
- Leak Detection
- SCADA and automation
- Inspection services
Technical Tracks:
- Pipeline Safety Management Systems
- Project Management, Design, Construction, and Environment
- Pipeline and Facilities Integrity
- Operations, Monitoring and Maintenance
- Materials and Joining
- Geohazard Management and Strain-Based Design
- Risk and Reliability
- Offshore, Upstream, and Production Pipelines
- Emerging Fuels and Greenhouse Gas Emissions
As a biennial event, the International Pipeline Conference & Expo fulfills a vital function by providing a forum for industry, government, regulators and the public to learn about leading edge technology in pipeline engineering, as well as discuss current and emerging issues facing the international pipeline industry. The conference features keynote speakers, 300+ technical papers over eight tracks, tutorials, panel discussions, student papers and awards.

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