Register Now for USA 2022 Pipeline Technology Advances in Crude Oil and Gas Pipeline Technology Sept 7, 8 – Houston
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Agenda 2022
- Programs range from internal and external inspection technology development to pipeline patrol and surveillance
- Intersection of technologies, robust programs, and properly trained personnel to ensure network integrity
- Exchanging information to understand the causal factors of pipeline incidents better and make improvements
- Development of new pipeline industry standards and best practices for expansive pipeline network in the US
- Gas let-down generator paired with an off-grid immersion data center
- Converting wasted energy to zero-carbon electricity to use on-site
- Eliminates scope 1 GHG emissions and offsets scope 2 GHG emissions
- Latest leak detection solution utilizing the power of OLGA, the standard for multiphase transient modelling
- Enriched by artificial intelligence and data clustering algorithms to achieve high performance and reliability
- iPIPE is supported by the North Dakota oil and gas research program and pipeline operators
- Focussing on the partnership, experience, and future work in the area of pipeline integrity
- Working for advanced external and internal leak detection and remote sensing technologies
- Automation & digitalization definition for the pipeline sector and operators’ concerns for the Industry 4.0
- Use of AI/ML with efficient data infrastructure to predict unplanned downtimes and asset optimization
- Challenges and benefits of the latest technologies used for pipeline monitoring and leak detection
- Looking at the technologies such as fiber optics sensing, simulations and modeling, and remote sensing
- Data completeness, accuracy, and current data are high priorities for pipeline organizations
- Importance of sharing information for a pipeline distribution organization’s intelligent operations
- Framework for integrating pipeline data with other business systems to manage pipeline assets
- Improving overall effectiveness as pipeline operators progress through digital transformation
- Review challenges associated with rotating equipment in pipeline applications in general
- Review typical application parameters and sealing requirements utilized by the industry
- Discuss the benefits and advantages of various sealing solutions present in the market
- Potential case study references documenting the improvement in equipment reliability
- A look at the method of applying a low friction coating in existing gas pipelines
- Reduced surface roughness increases pipeline capacity by 20% or greater
- Lower fuel consumption and reduction of emissions at the same flow
- Low-cost resource for meeting the challenges faced in the pipeline industry
- Operators’ perspective utilizing AI technology providing predictive analytics and automated leak detection
- Utilization of data optics such as drones, cameras, and phone cameras to provide predictive maintenance
- AI automation provides improved safety, better efficiencies, less downtime, and reduces human errors
- Automated detection of corrosion, stress cracks, and soil changes for optimizing pipeline integrity
- Discussion on the fiber optics sensing technology and how it works for the pipeline industry
- How can fiber optic sensing stop TPI on transmission pipelines for integrity management
- Benefits such as leak detection, pig tracking, SCADA, data transfer, and cathodic sensing
- Analyzing anomaly orientation and detecting changes in joints to determine growth on new sections of pipe
- Using ILI inspection data to determine anomaly growth relative to the system based on pit-to-pit matching
- Ranking systems based on the highest potential for active internal corrosion
- Establishing a common framework for assessing asset integrity and PSMS effectiveness and maturity
- Analytics and KPI benchmarking specific to asset integrity, performance, and process safety
- System for categorizing, prioritizing, and risk ranking by economic impact/lost profit opportunity
- Methods for enabling problem-solving teams to resolve high-value deep-dive systemic problems
- IIoT data-driven predictive modeling capability and reporting, alerts/notifications, and action planning
- Distributed fiber optic sensing: A reliable method of preventative leak detection and ensuring pipeline integrity
- Advancements for the deployment of fiber optics that have been successfully employed to retrofit existing pipelines
- The high-fidelity system has integrated capability for sensing acoustics, temperature, strain, and vibration
- Studies for the retrofit-based deployment of the sensor platform both inside and outside of gas or liquids pipelines
- Combination of technologies and instruments is a cost-effective way to monitor for gas leaks
- A frequent tiered-monitoring approach at gathering and transmission pipelines is beneficial
- Using spectrometry to make measurements of methane concentration from either space or the air
- Advantages in combining the data, notably by eliminating the need for conversion and equivalency
- Encroachments result in fatalities and injuries, shutdown of refineries, damage to the environment, etc.
- Solutions: reinforced concrete slabs, extra depth, thicker walls, warnings, and mechanical protection
- Case study of a catastrophic accident in Europe and response of government and pipeline operators
- HDPE plates formulations and validation along with application on existing and new pipeline projects
- Manual sampling or physical property measurements may lead to product losses and excess transmix
- Using NIR spectroscopy and ML algorithms allows real-time detection of product interfaces
- Technology used to reduce transmix volume in batch pipelines from 57% – 93% over manual control
- Successful and valuable assessment of safety management systems
- Discussions on learnings of operators and their journeys in the industry
- Element maturity, recommended practice 1173, and improvements
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