Register Now for The Industry Collective December 15th Event – A Night Under the Safari Lights Holiday Party! – OKC
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A Night Under the Safari Lights at the OKC Zoo
Brought to you by the Industry Collective
Please join the Industry Collective as we host A Night Under the Safari Lights at the OKC Zoo
December 15th from 5:30-9:30
Please join the Industry Collective as we host A Night Under the Safari Lights at the OKC Zoo on December 15th from 5:30-9:30. This family friendly event is open to all ages. The evening will include admission for the walking zoo lights trail and private access to the Lotus Pavilion where Industry will gather for cookies, cocoa, finger foods and fun! Come and go access to the Pavilion via a private tram with Animal encounters scheduled from 6:30-8:00. You are welcome to come dressed in your favorite sweater or matching PJ’s and take a family photo for a chance to win a prize!!
Industry Collective combines: YPE OKC, SPC Midcon, AADE Midcon, The Petroleum Alliance of OKC, Oklahoma City Pipeliners Association, Oilfield Christian Fellowship, API, NGEAO,
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